European Union-Canada LCBA Program: Matching Innovative Technology Companies to Canadian Partners

ClimateDoor, tasked by the EU's LCBA program for strategic matchmaking in Canada, catalyzed transformation as the chief joint venture architects.


increase in partnerships per quarter


New Partnerships Created in 6 months


long-term Joint Venture oopportunities


Net Zero Technological Innovation


European Union - Canada

Company Background:

The European Union's LCBA program was established with the vision of creating partnerships that further the cause of sustainable development and lower carbon emissions. However, the program faced initial challenges in establishing fruitful joint ventures given the risk aversion of large Canadian organizations and lack of focused outreach from the previous matchmaker.

What they had to say about the value we brought:  

“Chad and his team have been a great addition to the LCBA Canada implementation team. They have been successful in driving strategic partnerships across numerous cleantech and circular economy sectors. Their dedicated and focused approach to matchmaking has resulted in some high impact partnerships for the EU. The LCBA Canada project looks forward to continuing this collaboration with Chad and his team until project’s end.” - Jose Canjura, mplementation Team Lead, LCBA Canada

How we got the job done:

Despite its noble intentions, the LCBA program faced a challenging start with limited partnerships, originally focused on challenge competitions and long-developing corporate partnerships.

ClimateDoor leveraged it’s deep networks with innovative climate technology companies, First Nations and governments to develop custom, direct B2B matches. We also leveraged our deep understanding of market opportunities, funding trends, and technological systems integration to develop custom outreach and matchmaking strategies with the biggest opportunities for each party.

Our approach to revitalizing the LCBA program was both strategic and hands-on:

1. Strategic Outreach: Our team was proactive, making countless phone calls to potential JV partners, ensuring we identified the best possible collaborations.

2.Strategic Presence: We ensured our visibility at key conferences, networking with industry leaders, innovators, and potential partners.

3.Guided Partnerships: Beyond just creating partnerships, we guided our clients through the intricacies of the joint venture, ensuring a seamless and productive collaboration.

4.Value-Added Consulting: Our team delved deep, offering consulting services to help our clients evaluate and validate the potential of each partnership, ensuring that every joint venture had a clear roadmap and the potential for tangible impact.


The European Union's LCBA program, saw immense growth in matches, impact, and financial outcomes from our custom approach to developing outsized value through tailored partnerships. This success story underscores the importance of strategic partnerships, meticulous outreach, and the right expertise in effecting meaningful change.

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